Monday, March 5, 2012

Distant water won’t quench your immediate thirst

It’s been a while since we learned a new Chinese proved. So why not do it today? There is a Chinese proverb I would like to share, and this is how it goes:

Yuǎn shuǐ jiě bù liǎo jìn kě
Distant water won’t quench your immediate thirst

远 (yuǎn): far; distant
近 (jìn): near; close

As it is pretty obvious, this proverb implies the need to come up with an immediate solution to a problem. Now let’s see how it can be used:

Yuǎn shuǐ jiě bù liǎo jìn kě, wǒ jīntiān jíxū qián.
Distant water won’t quench immediate thirst, I badly need the money today.

1 comment:

    I showed my class this video on water and conflict. Any thoughts from Chinese-learners' perspective on water rights, privatization, etc.?
